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Noun Pronoun Agreement Exercises with Answers

When writing, it’s vital to ensure that the subject and the pronoun match in number and gender. Pronoun agreement errors can quickly undermine the credibility of your writing, making it appear sloppy and unprofessional. One of the best ways to avoid these errors is to practice noun pronoun agreement exercises. In this article, we`ll provide you with a series of exercises and their answers to help you master noun pronoun agreement.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct pronoun that agrees with the following subjects.

1. John and I are going to the beach, and _____ are bringing a picnic basket.

Answer: We

2. The dog barked at the mailman, but _____ didn`t bite him.

Answer: It

3. Neither my sister nor my brother knows how to cook, but _____ are learning.

Answer: They

4. Every student in the class must bring _____ own laptop to the lab.

Answer: Their

5. The committee has decided to postpone _____ meeting until next week.

Answer: Its

Exercise 2: Identify and correct the pronoun agreement error in the following sentences.

1. The boys played with they toys.

Answer: The boys played with their toys.

2. Each student can choose whatever major they like.

Answer: Each student can choose whatever major he or she likes.

3. The company is known for providing their employees with a comfortable workspace.

Answer: The company is known for providing its employees with a comfortable workspace.

4. The teacher was upset because all of the students forgot their homework.

Answer: The teacher was upset because all of the students forgot his or her homework.

5. The group of tourists were lost, but they found they way back to the hotel.

Answer: The group of tourists were lost, but they found their way back to the hotel.

Exercise 3: Write a sentence using a singular subject and a plural pronoun.

Answer: Mary was happy when they received their acceptance letter to college.

Exercise 4: Write a sentence using a plural subject and a singular pronoun.

Answer: The team is practicing, but it needs to step up their game.

Exercise 5: Write a sentence using a singular subject and a singular pronoun.

Answer: The book is on the table, and it`s waiting to be read.

By practicing these exercises, you`ll improve your ability to identify and correct pronoun agreement errors. Paying attention to the subject and the pronoun in your writing will help you write with clarity and precision, and avoid mistakes that can detract from the quality of your work.

What Is a Good Sentence for the Word Contract

When it comes to using the word « contract » in a sentence, there are a few key factors to keep in mind. First and foremost, you want to make sure that you are using the word correctly within the context of your writing. Whether you are referring to a legal contract between two parties or a more general agreement or arrangement, it`s important to be clear and concise in your wording.

With that in mind, here are a few examples of sentences that use the word « contract » effectively:

– « The contract between the two companies outlined the terms of their partnership, including a strict timeline for project completion. » In this sentence, « contract » is used to refer to a legally binding agreement between two parties. The sentence is straightforward and clear, outlining the purpose and contents of the contract in question.

– « After reviewing the contract, the contractor realized that some of the requirements would be difficult to meet within the given timeframe. » Here, « contract » is used to refer to a specific document that has been reviewed and analyzed. The sentence provides context for the reader, indicating that the contract outlines certain requirements or expectations that may be challenging to fulfill.

– « The freelance writer signed a contract with the publication outlining the terms of her contributions and compensation. » This sentence uses « contract » to refer to a more general agreement or arrangement between two parties. The sentence is clear and concise, providing key details about the writer`s relationship with the publication and the terms of their agreement.

Ultimately, a good sentence for the word « contract » is one that is clear, concise, and accurate in its use of the term. Whether you are referring to a legal document, a general agreement, or something else entirely, make sure that your sentence provides context and communicates your meaning effectively. With attention to detail and a clear understanding of the word`s meaning, you can craft effective sentences that make your writing shine.

Lawdepot Cleaning Services Agreement

When it comes to cleaning services, it is wise to have a legally binding agreement in place to ensure that both the service provider and the client are on the same page. The LawDepot Cleaning Services Agreement is one such document that can help protect both parties involved.

The LawDepot Cleaning Services Agreement is a contract that clearly outlines the terms and conditions of the cleaning services to be provided by the service provider. The document covers important aspects such as the scope of the cleaning services, payment terms, and termination clauses.

One of the key benefits of having a cleaning services agreement in place is that it helps to prevent misunderstandings and disputes. With a clear and concise agreement, both the service provider and the client know what is expected of them, which can help prevent any confusion or disagreements down the line.

The LawDepot Cleaning Services Agreement also includes provisions for payment terms, which is an important aspect to consider. The agreement outlines how much the client will be charged for the cleaning services and when payment is due. This helps to ensure that both parties are on the same page regarding payment terms and can help prevent any disputes.

Additionally, the agreement includes provisions for termination clauses, which is important in case either party needs to terminate the agreement. The document outlines the circumstances under which either party can terminate the agreement and how much notice must be given.

Overall, the LawDepot Cleaning Services Agreement is a valuable tool for anyone looking to hire a cleaning service provider. By having a legally binding agreement in place, both parties can rest assured that they are protected and that the services will be provided as agreed upon. As a professional, I highly recommend this agreement to anyone looking to hire a cleaning service provider.

Written Joint Defense Agreement

A written joint defense agreement, also known as a JD agreement, is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a joint defense between two or more parties involved in a legal dispute. This agreement can be used in civil or criminal cases, and it is designed to protect the parties` rights to confidential communication and information sharing during the litigation process.

A JD agreement is typically used when two or more defendants are facing similar legal allegations. By sharing information and resources, the parties can strengthen their defense and improve their chances of success in court. The agreement typically includes provisions that protect the confidentiality of communications between the parties and outline the circumstances under which information can be shared with third parties.

One of the key benefits of a JD agreement is that it can help to streamline the litigation process. By consolidating resources and jointly developing a defense strategy, the parties can avoid duplicative efforts and reduce the overall cost of litigation. Additionally, the agreement can help to prevent conflicts of interest that could arise if the parties were each represented by separate attorneys.

When drafting a JD agreement, it is essential to include specific terms that protect the parties` rights to confidentiality and information sharing. For example, the agreement should include provisions that prevent the sharing of information with third parties who are not part of the defense team. It should also outline the circumstances under which information can be shared, such as in response to a subpoena or court order.

It is also important to clearly define the scope of the joint defense. This may include specifying which issues are covered by the agreement and which parties are involved in the defense. The agreement should also address the use of joint defense privilege, which allows the parties to share information without waiving their rights to attorney-client privilege.

In summary, a written joint defense agreement is a powerful legal tool that can help to protect the parties` rights and streamline the litigation process. By working together and sharing resources, the parties can develop a stronger defense strategy and improve their chances of success in court. If you are involved in a legal dispute, it is worth considering whether a JD agreement could benefit your case.

Community Benefit Agreement Template

If you are involved in a community development project, a community benefit agreement (CBA) can be a valuable tool to ensure that your project benefits not just the developers and investors, but also the residents and stakeholders of the surrounding community. A CBA is a legally binding contract between a developer and community stakeholders that outlines the benefits that the project will provide to the community in exchange for the community`s support of the project.

To help you create a CBA that meets the needs of your project and your community, we have put together this community benefit agreement template.


The introduction to your CBA should provide an overview of the project and explain why a CBA is necessary. It should also outline the goals of the agreement, which may include creating local jobs, increasing access to affordable housing, promoting environmental sustainability, or supporting local businesses.

Scope of the Agreement

The scope of the agreement should define the geographic area and the specific community that will benefit from the project. This may include residents of a particular neighborhood, employees of local businesses, or members of a specific organization or community group.

Community Benefits

The heart of the CBA is the list of community benefits that the project will provide. This section should be as specific as possible, outlining the number of jobs that will be created, the amount of affordable housing that will be provided, the amount of money that will be invested in local businesses, and any other tangible benefits that the community will receive.


The timeline section should outline a specific schedule for when the benefits outlined in the community benefits section will be provided. This may include specific dates for when affordable housing units will be available, when jobs will be created, or when local businesses will receive funding.

Enforcement and Remedies

A critical component of the CBA is ensuring that the developer follows through on their commitments. The enforcement and remedies section should outline the consequences for not meeting the terms of the agreement, which may include legal action or financial penalties.


The conclusion to your CBA should summarize the key points of the agreement and underscore the developer`s commitment to the community. It should also include any necessary signatures, dates, and contact information.

In conclusion, a CBA can be an essential tool for ensuring that development projects benefit the communities they serve. By following this community benefit agreement template, you can create a legally binding agreement that provides tangible benefits to the local community while also helping to ensure the success of your project.

What Is an Unfair Contract Term Insurance

An unfair contract term in insurance refers to provisions or clauses that are included in insurance policies that could be considered unjust or unbalanced. These terms are often hidden in the fine print of insurance policies, making them difficult for policyholders to spot and understand. In this article, we will explore what constitutes an unfair contract term in insurance and why it is important to be aware of them.

Examples of Unfair Contract Terms in Insurance

One of the most common examples of an unfair contract term in insurance is the exclusion clause. This clause specifies certain events or circumstances that are not covered under the policy. It is important to carefully scrutinize these clauses since they can significantly affect the coverage offered by an insurance policy.

Another example of an unfair contract term in insurance is the « unilateral variation » clause. This clause gives the insurance company the right to change the terms and conditions of the policy without any input or agreement from the policyholder. This can be particularly problematic because it means that policyholders have no control over the coverage they are paying for.

Another type of unfair contract term is the « disproportionate excess » clause. This clause stipulates that the policyholder must pay a much higher excess than is reasonable for the level of coverage they are receiving. In some cases, this can make the policy virtually worthless.

Why are Unfair Contract Terms a Problem?

Unfair contract terms are a problem because they can leave policyholders vulnerable to unexpected costs and leave them without the coverage they need when they need it most. When policyholders buy insurance, they expect to have protection in case of an unexpected event. Unfair contract terms can undermine this expectation, leaving policyholders without the safety net they thought they were getting.

What Can Policyholders Do to Protect Themselves?

The first step in protecting oneself from unfair contract terms in insurance is to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of the policy. It is important to ask questions and seek clarification from the insurance provider if anything is unclear. If there are any clauses or terms that seem unfair or unreasonable, policyholders should seek advice from a legal expert or a consumer watchdog group.


In conclusion, unfair contract terms in insurance are provisions or clauses that can be problematic for policyholders. These terms can result in inadequate coverage and unexpected costs. It is important for policyholders to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of their insurance policy to protect themselves from unfair contract terms. When in doubt, they should seek advice from a legal expert or a consumer watchdog group.