Noun Pronoun Agreement Exercises with Answers

When writing, it’s vital to ensure that the subject and the pronoun match in number and gender. Pronoun agreement errors can quickly undermine the credibility of your writing, making it appear sloppy and unprofessional. One of the best ways to avoid these errors is to practice noun pronoun agreement exercises. In this article, we`ll provide you with a series of exercises and their answers to help you master noun pronoun agreement.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct pronoun that agrees with the following subjects.

1. John and I are going to the beach, and _____ are bringing a picnic basket.

Answer: We

2. The dog barked at the mailman, but _____ didn`t bite him.

Answer: It

3. Neither my sister nor my brother knows how to cook, but _____ are learning.

Answer: They

4. Every student in the class must bring _____ own laptop to the lab.

Answer: Their

5. The committee has decided to postpone _____ meeting until next week.

Answer: Its

Exercise 2: Identify and correct the pronoun agreement error in the following sentences.

1. The boys played with they toys.

Answer: The boys played with their toys.

2. Each student can choose whatever major they like.

Answer: Each student can choose whatever major he or she likes.

3. The company is known for providing their employees with a comfortable workspace.

Answer: The company is known for providing its employees with a comfortable workspace.

4. The teacher was upset because all of the students forgot their homework.

Answer: The teacher was upset because all of the students forgot his or her homework.

5. The group of tourists were lost, but they found they way back to the hotel.

Answer: The group of tourists were lost, but they found their way back to the hotel.

Exercise 3: Write a sentence using a singular subject and a plural pronoun.

Answer: Mary was happy when they received their acceptance letter to college.

Exercise 4: Write a sentence using a plural subject and a singular pronoun.

Answer: The team is practicing, but it needs to step up their game.

Exercise 5: Write a sentence using a singular subject and a singular pronoun.

Answer: The book is on the table, and it`s waiting to be read.

By practicing these exercises, you`ll improve your ability to identify and correct pronoun agreement errors. Paying attention to the subject and the pronoun in your writing will help you write with clarity and precision, and avoid mistakes that can detract from the quality of your work.