Simple English Verb Agreement

Simple English Verb Agreement: Tips for Proper Grammar

In English grammar, verb agreement is a fundamental component that can cause confusion and errors in written communication. It involves matching the subject and the verb in terms of number and person. When the subject is singular, the verb must agree with it in a singular form as well. Likewise, when the subject is plural, the verb must agree with it in a plural form. In this article, we will discuss some tips for simple English verb agreement that can help you write grammatically correct sentences.

Tip 1: Identify the Subject

The first step in achieving a correct verb agreement is to identify the subject in the sentence. The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action in the sentence. It can be singular or plural, and it must agree with the verb in number and person. Once you have identified the subject, you can determine the appropriate verb form to use.


– The cat (singular subject) is sleeping (singular verb).

– The cats (plural subject) are sleeping (plural verb).

Tip 2: Pay Attention to Verb Tense

Another aspect of verb agreement is verb tense. The tense of the verb indicates the time that the action takes place. The most common tenses in English are present, past, and future. You must use the appropriate tense to match the subject.


– She (singular subject) is eating (present tense verb) her breakfast.

– They (plural subject) were eating (past tense verb) their breakfast.

– We (plural subject) will eat (future tense verb) our breakfast.

Tip 3: Check for Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs do not follow the regular pattern of verb conjugation. They have their own unique forms in different tenses. When using irregular verbs, you must be careful to use the correct form that matches the subject.


– I (singular subject) am going (present tense verb) to the store.

– He (singular subject) went (past tense verb) to the store.

– We (plural subject) have gone (present perfect tense verb) to the store.

Tip 4: Avoid Subject-Verb Disagreement

A subject-verb disagreement occurs when the subject and verb do not agree in number and person. This is a common error in writing, and it can be easily corrected by identifying the subject and using the appropriate verb form.


– The dogs (plural subject) barks (singular verb) at the mailman. (Incorrect)

– The dogs (plural subject) bark (plural verb) at the mailman. (Correct)


In conclusion, simple English verb agreement is essential for proper grammar and effective writing. By identifying the subject, paying attention to verb tense, checking for irregular verbs, and avoiding subject-verb disagreements, you can write grammatically correct sentences that convey your message clearly. Keep these tips in mind the next time you write, and you will see an improvement in your writing skills.