Collateral Agreement Proz

A unique and competitive sentence per word. Enjoy savings starting with your first medical translation with us. IFUs, operating manuals, regulatory applications, packaging inserts – labels, datasheets, marketing materials – اِتّحاد، اِتّفَاق، اِتّفاقِيّة، اِنسِجام، اِئتِلاف، إِجماع،، إِلَاف، أُلفَة،، إِطباق،، تَنَاغُم، تَوَافُق، حُرمَة، ذِمّة، رِضىً، ، تَجَاوُب، تَسلِيم، تَطَابُق، تَعاقُد، تَفَاهُم، تَمَاثُل، ،،،،، ، ، – IMPROVING PATIENT ACCESS TO QUALITY HEALTHCARE GLOBALLY DRUG/DEVICE REGISTRATION – POST-APPROVAL SUPPORT Chat with our virtual agents for any query, or clarifications، قَبُول، مُتَابَعَة، مُجَارَاة، مُشارَطَة، مُطَابَقَة، مُعَاهَدَة، مُقَاوَلَة، مُلاَءَمَة، مُواءَم، مُوَاءَمَة، مُواطَأَة، مُوَافَقَة، مِيثاق، نِسبَة، وِفَاق، وِفاقِيّ، وِئَام on your medical translation project. ICFs, protocols, patient notebooks, safety reports, IRB correspondences, study reports, site contracts Our medical translation guarantee includes a one-month warranty. If it`s broken, we`ll fix it, at no cost, of course! – 1) the harmony of man- 2) -the compatibility of observations – 3) – the declaration of an exchange of promises – 4) – the agreed or agreed cause – 5) -the determination of grammatical difference on the basis of verbal relations – 6) – the verbal act of agreements – [synonyms]: conformity, compliance, Arrangement, Concorde, Correspondence, Understanding 4000 MEDICAL TRANSLATION EXPERTS – 70 MILLION WORDS TRANSLATED WE DRIVE YOUR GLOBALIZATION EFFORTS Use our online form or email us to request our medical translation services. It`s super simple! With the discovery of medicines and health innovations, the world can truly be a better place. This may seem like a long shot, but we truly believe that our medical translation services are helping to accelerate vital medical progress and make this world a better place for our future generations. Our extensive network of medical translation experts helps create medical translations ranging from simple IRB correspondences to complex regulatory documents and basic copying.