Yes, you can transfer ownership of the subscription to another account. For example, if an A account has three subscriptions, the company administrator can transfer a subscription to account B, one to account C and one to account D. Or you can transfer all subscriptions to the E. 1 account A business administrator must grant these privileges. If you have been given permission to indicate the monthly usage and the department`s fees, but you cannot see them, contact your partner. It turns out that Azure Enterprise`s minimum commitment is very low. They must make a prior financial commitment for each of the three years of the agreement with a minimum order value of a « monetary SKU » of USD 100 per month (US$1,200/year). This low commitment makes sense: once a company is on a cloud platform, it is sticky – land and expansion is the name of the game for Azure, AWS and Google. They expect the infrastructure to grow well beyond the minimum and have only one foot in the door. And of course, the starting point in the cloud is supposed to be much cheaper and more flexible than in the Prem infrastructure. For indirect check-in customers, contact your partner to verify that they have activated the price function for you.
This can only be done by the partner. Once activated, you can view the costs and prices of your registration as a business administrator. As of August 1, 2019, new opt-out forms for Azure commercial customers will not be accepted. Instead, all registrations are extended indefinitely. If you want to end the use of Azure services, close your subscription to the Azure portal. Or your partner can file a termination request. There is no change for clients who have types of government contracts. Business administrators can view a summary of their service usage data on the usage report page. The use is presented at the summary level for all accounts and subscriptions. To view the detailed usage, you can filter the report by account or subscription. Once a department has been created, the corporate administrator can add department administrators and assign each department.
Department administrators can perform the following actions for their divisions: The status should be changed from a departure date to the end date. The start/end date is the date the user first logged in and the end date of the contract. There are some specific Azure EA benefits next to the price to entice users to get out of Pay-As-You-Go. You can create and manage multiple Azure subscriptions with just one EA. You can also merge and manage all subscriptions to give you a business view of how many minutes of resources you use by subscription. In addition, you can assign accounting services and cost points to subscription burners, making it easier for you to manage budgets and display expenses at different rollup levels.