Child Placement Agreement Florida

Answer: The local agency CBC Lead will determine whether agreements are required for certain entities. If the child is in charge of the group and an agreement is needed, the case manager will assess whether the current agreement is working reliably and whether changes are needed. In the event of contact, the case manager should check with the child to see if he or she feels safe in the environment, what rules in the home keep him safe and whether new rules are needed to improve his safety. Discussions with staff should determine if there are any changes in the home, including new children, that affect the current agreement. The initial agreement and all necessary changes should be developed « in collaboration with the caregivers and as much as possible all those who will play a role in obstructing… If necessary, the child will be involved in the development of the plan in order to contribute to the rules of the house that will make it safe… Assistance for financial medical assistance when the child has medical needs that Medicaid and other community funds do not cover must be identified as part of the negotiations on the adoption assistance agreement. Answer: The general rule is that adoptive parents must receive registrations and information about the proper education of their child in care or that assist in an adequate education, unless this is prohibited by law. Full disclosure or disclosure of information to adoptive parents is required under Florida law and Florida Administrative Code. Recordings that cannot be disclosed include: journalist information at the Florida Abuse hotline, financial data of biological parents or another party or participant, HIPPA protected documents of biological parents, unless the adoptive parent is part of the treatment team that works to achieve the goals of the case plan and registrations of domestic violence centers. Answer: A child should not be removed from the home or removed from the home until he or she is available if he or she can stay safe at home with appropriate and available early intervention and prevention services, including services provided at home.